Storage Tank Services
Federal and other regulations have addressed the numerous concerns regarding underground storage tanks (USTs). The requirements for owners and operators vary depending on the use, size and contents of the UST. EAI can provide full-service capabilities including tank testing, UST removal, subsurface investigations and remediation. If your company has a number of USTs, EAI can provide an Underground Storage Tank Management Program to assist in planning, budgeting and implementing the actions needed to meet the applicable federal, state and local requirements.
EPA standards are generally assumed to have been met by December 1998. In many cases, extensions are available when Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) or Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) are stipulated to, regarding new scheduled actions.
Services for USTs and ASTs include:
- UST Registration
- UST Integrity Testing
- UST Removal & Cleaning
- Sub-Surface Investigations
- Soil Excavation
- Soil & Groundwater Remediation
- Sampling Plans & Laboratory Analysis
- Closure Plans & Permits
- Monitoring Well Installation
- Discharge Investigations & Corrective Action Reports
EAI removes underground storage tank.